

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Amazing Mirror Tic Tac Toe Illusion

Now this one is eye-candy! One of the first games I ever learned to play as a child was Tic Tac Toe. We call this game differently here in Croatia, but if you translated the meaning literally, it would be “Crosses and Circles“. Mirror Tic Tac Toe by Peleg Design is a rad little optical illusion board game with half O’s and X’s that only are complete when put in play. I’m not exactly sure weather you see the O’s and X’s correctly if you look at the board under different, more extreme angle, but Sahar Peleg surely created very interesting and innovative approach to this game.

Shahar Peleg is a multi-disciplined designer, who designs, develops and produces commercial products in small quantities. Shahar designs every-day objects with additional values which give them a fresh character. His experimentation with optical illusions and “magic” result in smart and surprising products that challenge the spectator to take a closer, more detailed look. His products are characterized by minimalist form and with the use of ordinary materials, usually produced in “low tech” production processes and at times even handmade.

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